Tin Pham


Tins Pham portfolio




Hello! I'm Tin, a software engineer based in Danang, Vietnam.

A Software Engineer, Front-end Developer

About Me

A Software Engineering, interested in designing websites, especially things related to Front-end stacks. I aim to apply my skills to inovate software development roles while further advancing my technical expertise.

What I Do


Experience in designing and implementing Front-end architectures. I have expertise in React, and its ecosystem.

Skillset & tools

  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • React
  • Next.js
  • CSS
  • Storybook
  • Remix.js
  • Designer

    I started designing as my hobby, and have been improving my skills since.

    Skillset & tools

    • UI Design
  • Figma
  • PhotoShop
  • Adobe Premiere
  • My career & experience

    Freelancer Web Developer at My Home from 2020

    I've been working as a freelancer for the past 4 years, and have been improving my skills since.

    Software Engineer Intern at DataHouse from Jul 2021

    I participated in the Summer Software Engineer internship at DataHouse Asia as a Frontend Web Developer.

    Software Engineer at DataHouse until now

    Focused on Front-end architecture design, and development. Responsibilities include requirements analysis, UI implementation, code quality assurance, team management, and training/mentoring.

    My Work


    Tools and features: React, Mantine UI, TypeScript


    Tools and features: React, Mantine UI, TypeScript

    INUT Design

    Tools and features: Next.js 12, Sanity.io, MUI, TypeScript, useSWR, Framer motion, Firebase, SEO

    Công ty xây dựng An Hưng

    Tools and features: Next.js 13, Sanity.io, shadnui, SEO

    Công ty Liên kết Toàn cầu PWT

    Tools and features: Next.js 13, Sanity.io, shadnui, SEO

    Phòng xét nghiệm y khoa kỹ thuật cao

    Tools and features: Next.js 13, Sanity.io, shadnui, SEO


    Tools and features: React, TailwindCSS, SEO


    Tools and features: React, Sanity.io, Redux, MUI, Firebase, SEO


    Tools and features: React, Redux, MUI, Firebase

    NOOR Coffee

    Tools and features: React, Redux, MUI, Firebase, SEO

    NOOR Coffee

    Tools and features: React, Redux, MUI, Firebase, SEO


    Tools and features: React, Redux, MUI, Firebase, SEO


    Tools and features: React, Redux

    Covid Tracker

    Tools and features: React, MUI, chart.js, leaflet, disease.sh


    Email: tinphamvan123@gmail.com

    Location: Da Nang, Vietnam

    Github: @tinspham209

    Linkedin: phamvantins

    Instagram: phamthitins